All Saints Neighborhood celebrates 20 years | Catholic Charities Diocese of Madison

All Saints Neighborhood celebrates 20 years

Catholic Charities News

Madison, Wisconsin – Tenants and staff of Madison’s All Saints Neighborhood gathered Aug. 8 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the opening of All Saints Senior Apartments. The Senior Apartments was the first residence built on the now-flourishing west side campus that is home to over 300 seniors and owned by Catholic Charities Diocese of Madison.

Property Manager Michelle Naegle has been overseeing the Senior Apartments since 2012, and it was her honor to introduce several special guests who spoke at the event. Shawn Carney, Executive Director of Catholic Charities, recognized three gentlemen in attendance who were instrumental in the development of the residence: Brian Cain, who led Catholic Charities for 24 years, and Gerry Ring and Joe Tisserand, both of whom served many years on the Catholic Charities Board of Directors. These men envisioned a neighborhood that would offer different levels of care and independence in a Catholic setting, and All Saints is a living legacy that will fulfill their vision for years to come.

Carney also introduced six tenants who have lived at the Senior Apartments since it opened 20 years ago: Elaine Busch, Patricia Dahl, Patrick Ellis, Patricia Schroeder, Susan Standiford and Kathy Verage. Naegle and Property Coordinator Marissa Spahn gave each a white rose and gift certificate to the All Saints Main Street Café.

Naegle then introduced David Griffin, President of ElderSpan Management, a Madison-based family business that operates All Saints Neighborhood for Catholic Charities. Griffin recognized and thanked all the staff who support the seniors living at All Saints Senior Apartments and on the campus.

The final speaker was Bishop Donald J. Hying, who humorously compared the wait list for the Senior Apartments to being on the wait list for season tickets to the Green Bay Packers. Bishop Hying asked the Lord’s blessings on All Saints Neighborhood and offered a prayer before everyone enjoyed delicious food, harp music and lots of visiting.

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